
Showing posts from February, 2021


 I love silly marginalia.  I am always happy when I can add it to a scroll. Based on  The Breviary of Renaud de Bar Words by Aislinn Chiabach


 This one was a silver brooch scroll for a gentle who had taken up lampwork bead making, and created a beautiful paternoster with lovely handmade beads that all matched in size and shape.  Having tried my hand at lampwork, I knew that this was no easy task.  I wanted to find an exemplar that featured a paternoster for this scroll.  This scroll helped me to grow as a scribe in order to learn to paint rounded beads. Based on the Hours of Duke Adolph of Cleves.  Words by Slaine Baen Ronan FitzRobert

The Penis Tree

I totally dig medieval marginalia.  It's hilarious.  Full of cats licking their buts, people pooping, weird grotesques, and nuns harvesting penises from trees.  I have always wanted to recreate the picture of the nuns, but, lets face it, that is not exactly an image most people would want on their award scrolls.  But then there was the scribal auction.  A chance for the scribes to create artwork that would be auctioned off for charity.  I knew right away what I was going to do.   Oddly, this sold for quite a lot of money, and was actually one of the most bid on pieces in the auction.   Calligraphy by violet Hughes

White Vine

 I love white vine scrolls.  They are beautiful in their simplicity.  I love the bright colors contrasting with the white.  This scroll went out in January ethereal court. Words by Slaine baen Ronan FitzRobert obert

I got to do a Maunche scroll!!!

 This scroll was super special to me.  It was for a dear friend and member of my household, and someone whose work I have always been in awe of. Because Yasemin has a middle eastern persona, I did some research to find an appropriate exemplar.  I finally settled on "Bahman Ardeshir Swallowed by a Dragon," an illustration from the epic Darabnameh.   The painting was done between 1580 and 1585.   Exemplar The words were composed by Aislinn Chiabach.  She actually based them on the epic poem in the exemplar.   Calligraphy by Vittorio Antonello

Look at the puppy and kitties!

 Part of the fun of making scrolls is being able to personalize them, or add that special something so that the recipient will really love them.  I did a great deal of detective work for this assignment.  I found out that the reipient loved peonies, and adored her rescue pets.  I knew I had to work them into the design. I based this scroll on the hours of Anne of Brittany, substituting the peonies that Raela loves for the roses in the original design, and tucking her beloved pets in among the flowers in place of the bugs that graced the original. Words by the extremely talented Aislinn Chiabach

The Scroll that never found a home.

 The scroll that never found a home. This scroll blank was intended for the Baronial Arts and Sciences champion.  The championship was scheduled for March 2020.  It never happened due to Covid.  I am pleased with the scroll however.   Guache and gold leaf on Bristol board.  It was based on the hours of Anne of Brittany

Romanesque Silver Wheel Scroll

 Because of my work with the Chancellor Minor, I am always excited to be able to create scrolls for the youth of the kingdom. This scroll was a silver wheel for a young man who volunteered as a herald. It was awarded at East Kingdom 12th Night in January 2020. He has a Roman persona, so I used a Romanesque exemplar for his scroll.   Guache and ink on Bristol board.  Words by Aislinn Chiabach